Reference | 06/23/0757/F |
Status | Undecided |
Proposal | Proposed redevelopment of existing car parking and green space areas and construction of a limited assortment discount retail foodstore (Use Class E) and two drive-through restaurants (Sui Generis use), with associated new access, car parking, landscaping, drainage and external works |
Location | Land adjacent to Yarmouth Stadium Caister-on-Sea Great Yarmouth |
Parish | West Caister |
Case Officer | Mr N Harriss |
Received | 16-10-23 |
Validated | 18-04-24 |
Decision By | 31-12-24 |
Neighbours | Consultation Started : 22-04-24, Comments Due : 22-05-24 |
Applicant | Lidl Great Britain Limited C/O Agent |
Agent | Mrs Katie Russell-Smith Office 3.18, Scott House Suite 1, The Concourse Waterloo Station London SE1 7LY |