Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission. The reason for the condition is:- Required to be imposed pursuant to Section 18 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2.The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans and documents received by the Local Planning Authority on the 7th September 2023: - Location Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0001 PL1 - Strip-Out Ground Floor Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-00-DR-A-0121 PL1 - Strip-Out Level 1 (First Floor) Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-01-DR-A-0122 PL1 - Strip-Out Roof Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-RF-DR-A-0125 PL1 - Strip-Out West Elevation (South Beach Parade): GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0140 PL1 - Strip-Out North Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0141 PL1 - Strip-Out East Elevation (Promenade): GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0142 PL1 - Strip-Out South Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0143 PL1 - Strip Out Section B2: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0152 PL1 - Strip Out Section D: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0154 PL1 - Strip Out Section E: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0155 PL1 - Strip Out Section F: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0156 PL1 - Strip Out Section H: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0158 PL1 - Proposed Site Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0200 PL1 - Proposed Block Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0201 PL1 - Key: Proposed Gas: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0219 PL1 - Proposed Basement Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0220 PL1 - Proposed Ground Floor Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0221 PL1 - Proposed First Floor Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0222 PL1 - Proposed Roof Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0225 PL1 - Proposed Ground Floor RCP: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-00-DR-A-0310 PL1 - Proposed First Floor RCP: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-00-DR-A-0311 PL1 - Proposed West Elevation (in context): GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0410 PL1 - Proposed West Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0420 PL1 - Proposed North Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0421 PL1 - Proposed East Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0422 - Proposed South Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0423 PL1 - Proposed South Block Elevation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0424 PL1 - Proposed Section B2: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0522 PL1 - Proposed Section F: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0526 PL1 - Proposed Section H1: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0528 PL1 - Proposed Section H2: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-0529 PL1 - Proposed Floor Finishes - Ground Floor Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-00-DR-A-0901 PL1 - Proposed Floor Finishes - First Floor Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-00-DR-A-0902 PL1 - Proposed Roof Finishes: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-RF-DR-A-1200 PL1 - Proposed Elevation Repairs: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2510 PL1 - Proposed Elevation Repairs (Tower And Lantern): GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2511 PL1 - Proposed External Repairs To Plinth 1/2: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2515 PL1 - Proposed External Repairs To Plinth 2/2: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2516 PL1 - Schedule Of Accommodation: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-ZZ-SH-5000 - Small Power & Data Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-E-1000 P02 - Lighting Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-E-2000 P01 - Fire & Security Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-E-3000 P02 - Containment Layout Ground Floor, Low Level GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-E-4000 P02 - Containment Layout Ground Floor, High Level GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-E-4001 P02 - Heating & Cooling Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-M-1000 P02 - Ventilation Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-M-2000 P02 - MEP Below Ground External Services GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-MX-8000 P02 - Above Ground Drainage Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-P-1000 P02 - Domestic Water Layout Ground Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-00-DR-P-2000 P02 - Small Power & Data First Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-01-DR-E-1001 P02 - Lighting Layout First Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-01-DR-E-2001 P01 - Fire & Security Layout First Floor GYWG -BHE -ZZ -01 -DR - E -3001 P02 - Containment Layout First Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-01-DR-E-4002 P02 - Heating & Cooling Layout First Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-01-DR-M-1001 P02 - Ventilation Layout First Floor GYWG-BHE-ZZ-01-DR-M-2001 P02 - Above Ground Drainage Layout First Floor GYWG -BHE -ZZ -01 -DR - P -1001 P02 - Domestic Water Layout First Floor GYWG -BHE -ZZ -01 -DR - P -2001 P02 - LV Schematic Sheet 1 of 4 GYWG-BHE-ZZ-XX-DR-E-7000 P02 - Heating & Cooling Schematic GYWG-BHE-ZZ-ZZ-DR-M-7000 P02 - Ventilation Schematic GYWG-BHE-ZZ-ZZ-DR-M-7001 P02 - Above Ground Drainage Schematic GYWG-BHE-ZZ-ZZ-DR-P-7000 P02 - Domestic Water Schematic GYWG-BHE-ZZ-ZZ-DR-P-7001 P02 - Conservation Management Plan: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-XX-RP-A-510 - Refuse And Waste Management Strategy: GYWG-BFF-ZZ-XX-RP-A-5106 - Landscape Sketch Plan: 281-CDLA-A1-00-DR-L-0001 01 - Landscape Report: (281-CDLA-R-002_02 GYWG_Landscape Report_Planning) - Structural Survey: (Structural Survey_Appendix B - 20587 - Stage 3 Report - 2023 Condition Update) - Drainage Strategy (20587 - The Winter Gardens Proposed Drainage Strategy) - Utilities Statement (230807_GYWG_BH - Utilities Statement) - Ventilation Statement (230807_GYWG_BH - Ventilation Statement) - Lighting Statement (230807_GYWG_BH - Lighting Statement) - Acoustic Statement (230807_GYWG_BH - Acoustic Statement) - Flood Risk Assessment (AMA879_WinterGardens_FRA_Rev0_July2023_LowRes) - Flood Response Plan (230814_GYBC_WG_Flood Response Plan v1) - Topographic Survey (44123_01_P-Topographic survey0 - CEVA (GYWG-230814-CEVA type A) - Ecological And Protected Species Survey (230714 J21296_Winter Gardens Great Yarmouth_PEA_July 2023) - Sustainability Statement (230807_ GYWG_Sustainability Statement- Winter Gardens P01) The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt.
3.There shall be no installation of any external fabric which the items listed below relate to, until full details of external materials within the roof, walls and glazing of the proposed development have first been provided to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including detailed manufacturers specifications. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall include: (a) Details of glazing. (b) Details of external paint work and finish. (c) Details of proposed cladding to new extensions, to include appearance, finish, colour and profiling and, if necessary, the likely colour from weathering over time. (d) Details of the external finish of the new Services Block. (e) Details of parapet screening and any balustrading/barriers to fire escape route. (f) Details of all fencing and gates and enclosure screens. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details which shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is: To ensure that full details are provided and demonstrated to be appropriate to the historic building, and to ensure that the external appearance of the Winter Gardens is finished to a high quality, in accordance with Core Strategy (2015) Policy CS10 and LPP2 policy E5.
4.There shall be no installation of any new internal features used in the construction of the development until details of their internal finishes and materials have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including detailed manufacturers specifications. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall include (but not be exclusive to): - Full details of the Terrazzo tiled flooring. - Overall colour scheme and finishes. - Details of balustrade to mezzanine and steps in multi-purpose space. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and shall remain in accordance with thereafter. The reason for the condition is: To ensure that full details are provided and demonstrated to be appropriate to the historic building, and to ensure that the internal appearance of the Winter Gardens is finished to a high
5.There shall be no installation of any new internal features to be used in the fittings and furnishings of the development until details their internal finishes and materials have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including manufacturers specifications. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall include (but not be exclusive to): - Details of Lighting. - Details of Radiant heaters. - Details of blinds, fans and suspended acoustic screens. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and shall remain in accordance with thereafter. The reason for the condition is: To ensure that full details are provided and demonstrated to be appropriate to the historic building, and to ensure that the internal appearance of the Winter Gardens is finished to a high quality, to ensure that these are recessive and not seen to become over dominant individually or collectively given the requirement to retain an open character to the interior as much as possible, and to ensure that the cumulative impact of these does not lead to detrimental levels of harm, in accordance with Core Strategy (2015) Policy CS10 and LPP2 policy E5.
6.There shall be no installation of any external lighting until full details of the proposed external lighting have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme should provide information about layout and beam orientation, a schedule of the light equipment proposed including luminaire type, mounting height, aiming angles, colour and lumen unit levels. The development shall be carried out only in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained in the approved form thereafter. The reason for the condition is: To limit the impact of obtrusive lighting in the interests of neighbouring and visual amenity, and to maintain an optimal setting to the listed building, in accordance with Core Strategy (2015) Policies CS09 and CS10, and LPP2 (2021) Policies E5 and E6.
7.All original external and internal historic features which are not proposed to be removed as part of the works shall be preserved and protected from any damage throughout the works. Any damaged fabric should be repaired in a like for like manner with relevant matching materials and techniques. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure that regard is paid to protecting the special architectural and historic interest and integrity of the building under Section 16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
8.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner.