Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The development must be begun not later than two years (24 months) beginning with the date of this permission. The reason for the condition is :- The time limit condition is imposed in order to comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, and to reflect the prevailing circumstances of the application a rural exceptions site scheme at the time of the decision being made.
2.The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following plans and details submitted to the Local Planning Authority: 2093 LOC 01 A - Site Location Plan, received 21/06/2022 2093 SL01 R - Site Layout Plan, received 10/05/2023 2093 PL01 A - Flixton house type - Plots 1, 16, 27 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL02 A - Wangford house type - Plots 2 & 3 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL03 B - Hulver semi-detached house type - Plots 5 & 6 - Plans and elevations, received 10/05/2023 2093 PL04 B - Thurlton house type - Plots 7 & 37 - Plans and elevations, received 10/05/2023 2093 PL05 A - 2B4PH House type - Plots 8, 9, 10, 11 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL06 A - 2BB4 Bungalow types - Plots 12 & 13 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 P07 A - Benacre Bungalow house type - Plots 14, 15, 17, 18 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL08 A - Ashby Bungalow type - Plot 19 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL09 A - Ashby Bungalow type - Plot 20 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL10 A - Ellingham house type - Plot 21 - Plans and elevations 2093 PL11 - Starston house type (semi) - Plots 22, 23, 38, 39 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL12 B - 3B5 House type - Plots 24, 25, 26 - Plans and elevations, received 10/05/2023 2093 PL13 A - Henstead house type - Plots 4, 28, 31 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL14 - Thorpe house type - Plots 29 & 30 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL15 A - 2B 4PH house type - Plots 40 & 41 - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PL16 - Hulver detached house type - Plot 36 - Plans and elevations, received 10/05/2023 2093 PL17 A - 3B5 House type - Plots 32, 33, 34, 35 - Plans and elevations, received 05/09/2023 2093 G01 C - Garage Types (Double & single) - Plans and elevations, received 05/09/2023 2093 G02 - Garage (Triple) - Plans and elevations, received 21/06/2022 2093 PS01 - Foul water pumping station - Plans and Elevations, received 21/03/2023 2093 ESS01 - Electricity substation - Plans and Elevations, received 21/03/2023 RLC-00-00-DR C-100 P17 - Proposed Site Entrance and Footway Extension Plan, received 30/03/2023 Arboricultural Impact Assessment report dated 03 May 2022 and including: Appendix 3, Tree Constraints Plan; Appendix 4, Tree Protection Plan; and Appendix 5, Arboricultural Method Statement. Ecological Report: Land north of Scratby Road, Scratby, dated 26/05/2020 ref: 2019/238 Ecological Report Validation Letter from Ben More dated 29/08/2022. The reason for the condition is :- For the avoidance of doubt, and in the interests of proper planning.
3.Part A - There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until an archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall include an assessment of significance and research questions, and the following: 1) The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording, 2) The programme for post investigation assessment, 3) Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording, 4) Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation, 5) Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation, and, 6) Nomination of a competent person or persons/organization to undertake the works set out within the written scheme of investigation. Part B - No development shall take place other than in strict accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under Part A of this condition. Part C - There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has first been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation approved under Part A of this condition and the provision to be made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition has been secured. [See also Advisory Note 2] The reason for the condition is :- To ensure the appropriate investigation, preservation and recording of historic assets and geological interest at the site where necessary, in the interests of protecting the historic environment in accordance with policies CS10 of the adopted Core Strategy (2015), and policy E5 of the adopted Local Plan Part 2 (2021), and the expectations of the NPPF. This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it deals with safeguards associated with the construction period of the development.
4.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until a scheme that demonstrates how each dwelling will be built to meet requirement M4(2) of Part M of the Building Regulations for accessible and adaptable dwellings, where practicable, has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be constructed in strict accordance with the details so approved and such features required to satisfy part M4(2) shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure that the dwellings are designed to be adaptable and efficient for lifetime occupation and to provide appropriate long term residential amenity. This condition is required notwithstanding the provisions of optional Building Regulations standards in order to comply with the requirements of adopted planning policy A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it concerns requirements for the design of dwellings which need to be factored into the construction stage of the development. Note to applicant - The imposition of this planning condition requires the development to achieve a higher standard of construction than the current minimum national requirement through Building Regulations. This requires you / the Developer to ensure that the standard is adhered to when seeking Building Regulations Completion Notice approval (whether using local authority inspectors or third party approved inspectors).
5.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until full details of a water conservation and efficiency scheme and statement demonstrating how the dwelling will be designed and built to achieve a water consumption rate of no more than 110 litres/person/day have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All required water conservation measures within the approved details shall thereafter be installed and made available for use prior to the first occupation of each dwelling, and thereafter shall be maintained to achieve this rate to ensure the required water consumption is not exceeded for the lifetime of the development. The reason for the condition is: - In the interests of promoting and securing water efficiency improvements to a higher standard than Building Regulations minimum standards require, to accord with adopted policy E7 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it concerns requirements for the design of dwellings which need to be factored into the construction stage of the development. Note to applicant - The imposition of this planning condition requires the development to achieve a higher standard of construction than the current minimum national requirement through Building Regulations. This requires you / the Developer to ensure that the standard is adhered to when seeking Building Regulations Completion Notice approval (whether using local authority inspectors or third party approved inspectors).
6.Notwithstanding the details of a drainage strategy submitted with the application, there shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the full details of a surface water sustainable drainage scheme have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Scheme shall include full details of proposed Management, Maintenance and Operational Responsibilities, including funding thereof, of the surface water drainage features within the development. The Scheme shall have full regard to the advice of the Lead Local Flood Authority and the requirements of the Local Highway Authority requirements as expressed provided during the course of this application. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the details as approved. No dwellings shall be occupied until the scheme has been provided and made operational sufficient to serve the dwelling and relevant associated highways in accordance with the approved details. The reason for the condition is: - In the interests of promoting and ensuring sustainable surface water drainage water in the interests of minimising flood risk elsewhere and maximising potential for natural infiltration and groundwater recharge, to accord with adopted policies CS12, CS13, CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015) and E1 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it concerns requirements for the design of the development which need to be provided through the construction stage.
7.Notwithstanding the details of a drainage strategy submitted with the application, there shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the details of a Foul Drainage Scheme including capacities and flow rates have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the details as approved. No dwellings shall be occupied until the scheme has been provided and made operational sufficient to serve the dwelling in accordance with the approved details. The reason for the condition is: - In the interests of promoting and ensuring a scheme for appropriate foul water drainage in the interests of minimising flood risk, to accord with adopted policies CS12, CS13, CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015), E1 and I3 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it concerns requirements for the design of the development which need to be provided through the construction stage.
8.Notwithstanding the details of a drainage strategy submitted with the application, there shall be no use of the development hereby permitted until the full details of the proposed pumping station and electricity substation layout and appearance have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details to be provided shall include measures to reduce the massing or increase the interest of brick wall enclosures, the colour and materials of substations and enclosures, and full details of proposed screening thereof. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the details as approved. No dwellings shall be occupied until the scheme has been provided and made operational in accordance with the approved details. The reason for the condition is:- To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area and in the interests of good design, in accordance with the requirements of Policies CS09 and CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policy E4 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it concerns requirements for the design of the development which need to be provided through the construction stage.
9.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the technical details of a plan and proposals for closing the existing access into the agricultural field to the east of Scratby Road (in the location shown on the approved site layout plan 2093 SL01 revision R) have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include the scheme of closure and proposed boundary restoration. There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development until all construction works for the closure and boundary restoration have first been carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans. The access shall thereafter remain closed and the boundaries maintained in accordance with the approved details. No additional accesses shall be created nor existing accesses retained for future use without the express written permission of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety, in accordance with adopted policy CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition because it requires details to be agreed to be provided during the construction stage of the development to ensure that a safe and suitable highways environment is provided for the development and avoid possible conflict with construction traffic.
10.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the details have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority of: (a) a Construction Environment and Traffic Management Plan, and, (b) a Construction Workers Parking Scheme detailing provision for on-site parking for construction workers. The details to be provided shall be used throughout the duration of the construction period and shall include: measures to be taken to ensure that residential amenity is protected during construction; a plan to show that parking shall be contained within the site wherever practicable; and, a plan to demonstrate how delivery vehicles, supplies, plant and machinery shall be managed within the site and in the vicinity of the site during construction. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details, which shall be implemented upon commencement of the development and retained throughout the construction period. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of preserving local residential amenity, minimising the impacts of on-street parking and maintaining highways safety, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A1 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition because it requires details to be agreed to be provided during the construction stage to ensure safeguards are in place associated with the construction period of the development.
11.Notwithstanding the details indicated on the submitted drawings there shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until detailed drawings for the required off-site highway improvement works as shown on Drawing 201067-RLC-00-00-DR-C-100 rev P17 have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the works shall include 2.0m-wide footways leading to and around the junction with Beach Road, and to Melton Lane with associated pedestrian refuge. The development must thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the details as approved. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed in the interests of highways safety in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A1 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This is a pre-commencement condition to ensure that a safe and suitable pedestrian access route will be able to be provided for the development, to be accommodated in the detailed design and construction phase of the development.
12.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until detailed plans of the roads, footways, and foul and surface water drainage have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All construction works shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety, to ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition because it requires details to be agreed to be provided during the construction stage of the development to ensure that a safe and suitable highways environment is provided for the development.
13.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the details of a scheme to provide fire hydrants within the development have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall include the provision of at least one fire hydrant, connected to the potable water supply, to provide adequate fire fighting water supply, and hydrant(s) specifications shall conform to BS750 and be fitted on no less than a 90mm main. Hydrant(s) shall be positioned such that no dwelling shall be further than 125m of hose laying distance from a fire hydrant. Details shall include a full or phased scheme timetable to be agreed by the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service. The development shall be undertaken in strict accordance with the details as approved. No dwelling shall be occupied until the hydrant(s) serving the property or group of properties has been provided to the written satisfaction of the Council in consultation with Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, and shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of ensuring appropriate utilities are provided and maintaining public amenity, in accordance with adopted policies CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015) and GSP8 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition because it deals with safeguards which need to be provided during the construction period of the development.
14.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until the full range of tree protection measures have first been installed and made operational in accordance with the details set out in the Tree Protection Plan (Appendix 4 of the Arboricultural Impact Assessment report dated 03 May 2022), including the creation of a Construction Exclusion Zone and use of protective fencing / tree protection barriers which shall be erected in the locations proposed in the Arboricultural Method Statement at Appendix 5 of the Arboricultural Impact Assessment report. The AMS and protective measures shall be undertaken in accordance with BS 5837 (2012) - Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction. For the avoidance of doubt, the required location of the necessary exclusion barrier zone is shown within the approved AIA document. All tree protection measures including root pruning and driveway installation to be carried out as approved. The approved tree protection measures are to be maintained in good condition and adhered to throughout the construction period. Unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority, no construction-related activities (for example: storage and/or siting of: vehicles, fuel, materials, site huts or other buildings or ancillary equipment; raising of lowering of ground levels; installation of underground services, drains; lighting of fires etc.) may be undertaken within the identified Construction Exclusion Zones and fenced areas. In the event that any tree(s) become damaged during construction, the Local Planning Authority shall be notified, and remedial action shall be agreed and implemented. In the event that any tree(s) dies or is removed without the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority, it shall be replaced within the first available planting season, in accordance with details to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure existing trees are protected during site works in the interests of the visual amenity of the area and ecological interests and the satisfactory appearance of the development in accordance with adopted policies CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015) and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition because it deals with safeguards required during the construction period of the development.
15.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until a Construction Management Plan has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Construction Management Plan shall include but not be limited to the following matters: - A phasing plan which demonstrates how: (i) the on-site public open space area will be protected from alternative use to avoid delays in its provision (for which the associated planning obligations and section 106 agreement should be referred to), and (ii) residential amenity will be protected at neighbouring dwellings, and (ii) residential amenity will be protected at dwellings occupied within the development. - An open space area protection plan to demonstrate how the on-site public open space area will avoid being used for inappropriate uses, loading or activity which may compromise the long-term function of the space such as avoiding compaction which impedes natural drainage; - Construction site access, loading, materials storage and hours of deliveries / disposals; and, - Dust, noise and air quality mitigation measures. The development shall be undertaken in full accordance with the approved details which shall remain in place and be operational for the full duration of the constriction period of the development. The reason for the condition is: - In the interests of appropriate development and protecting the amenities of the area in accordance with adopted policy A1 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it deals with safeguards associated with the construction period of the development.
16.If, during development, contamination not previously identified is found to be present, then no further development shall be carried out in pursuance of this permission until a scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Council as Local Planning Authority detailing how this contamination shall be dealt with in accordance with the remediation scheme as set out above. Only when evidence is provided to confirm the contamination no longer presents an unacceptable risk, can development continue. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors, in accordance with policies CS11 of the adopted Core Strategy (2015), policy E6 of the adopted Local Plan Part 2 (2021), and paragraph 183 of the NPPF.
17.There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted outside the following hours: - 0730 - 1830 Monday - Friday, - 0830 - 1330 Saturdays, and, - there shall be no work undertaken on Sundays or Public / Bank Holidays. The above restrictions shall apply only to works and all associated activities which are audible at the site boundary. For the duration of the construction period, the contact details including accessible phone numbers for persons responsible for the site works, shall be made available on public display at the development site entrance, for the duration of the works. The reason for the condition is:- To protect the amenity of neighbouring properties and land uses in accordance with adopted policies A1 and E6 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
18.There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted beyond foundation / slab / damp proof course level of any dwelling until the precise details of the materials and appearance of rainwater goods and finishing details to be used in the external walls, roofs, fascias, verges, windows and doors of the development have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved details which shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is:- To provide a high quality of development design and in the interests of maintaining visual amenity, in accordance with adopted policies CS09 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
19.There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted beyond foundation / slab / damp proof course level of any dwelling until full details of the proposed hard landscape works have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include: 1) A timetable for the provision of the whole of the landscaping across the development in relation to the phased completion and occupation of dwellings; and, 2) Full design and specification details of the following features: a) Proposed finished levels or contours; b) All means of enclosure and boundary treatments; c) Details of any hard surfacing; d) Details of all other features, apparatus, lighting, any proposed screens or barriers to be installed around drainage attenuation features, and any associated facilities to be provided; e) Location, type and materials to be used for hard landscaping including specifications, where applicable for: (i) Permeable paving, (ii) Tree pit designs, (iii) Underground modular infiltration and attenuation systems, and (iv) SUDS; f) Street furniture; g) Proposed and existing services above and below ground; and, h) Retained historical landscape features and proposals for restoration where relevant. There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development until the scheme as approved has first been carried out in full accordance with the approved details and to the relevant timeframe within the approved details of this condition. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure the satisfactory appearance of the development, facilitating sustainable drainage, and enhance visual and residential amenity in the area in accordance with adopted policies CS09, CS12, CS15 of the Core Strategy (2015), A1, A2 and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
20.Part (a) - There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted beyond foundation / slab / damp proof course level of any dwelling until full details of a proposed Soft Landscaping Scheme and Planting Plans have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. These details shall include: 1) A timetable for the provision of the whole of the landscaping across the development in relation to the phased completion and occupation of dwellings; and, 2) Full design and specification details of the following features: a) all soft landscaping and planting, including details of appropriate screening to be provided around the proposed pumping station and electrical substation enclosures; b) a planting plan including schedule of all plants, their species, quantities and locations, plant sizes at time of planting and proposed numbers/densities; c) written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); d) relationships of planting with provision of drainage attenuation features; e) details and scaled plans showing all existing vegetation and landscape features to be retained and any trees and plants required to be removed; f) and suitable replacement planting for those trees being removed where necessary, with associated details of growing mediums; and, g) scaled plans showing all trees and plants to be planted. and, 3) Implementation programme and specification for cultivation and establishment; And, 4) A Maintenance and Management Schedule and regime for all areas of landscaping and planting. If within a period of TEN YEARS from the date of planting any tree or plant or any tree or plant planted in replacement for it, is removed, uprooted or is destroyed or dies, [or becomes in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective] another tree or plant of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted at the same place, unless the Local Planning Authority gives its written consent to any variation. Part (b) - All the features of the Landscaping Scheme shall be provided and made available for use in accordance with the approved details of the timetable for provision, and shall be retained and maintained as such thereafter in full accordance with the details of the approved Maintenance and Management Schedule. Part (c) - All the soft-landscaping and planting within the approved Landscaping Scheme shall be undertaken and provided no later than the first planting season (November-March) following the first use of the development hereby permitted, and shall be retained and maintained as such thereafter in full accordance with the details of the approved Maintenance and Management Schedule. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of the visual amenities of the locality, biodiversity enhancement, resilience against climate change, and to provide a high standard of design and residential amenity, in accordance with adopted policies CS1, CS9 and CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015), A1, A2 and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
21.No development shall take place beyond the DPC / foundations / slab level of any dwelling in the development hereby permitted until a Recreational Impact Avoidance Strategy has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details shall specify how the development will: - facilitate new and promote existing pedestrian and cycling links and signage to the public rights of way network; and, - provide improved awareness of the local public rights of way network and areas suitable for recreation which promote alternatives to frequenting designated habitat and wildlife protection sites; and - enable residents to identify and utilise a route for off-road dog walking of no less than 2.7km distance; - provide dog bins within the development; - provide information boards within the development; and, - provide an information pack containing all such information to be provided to all future residents of the development. There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development until the scheme as approved has first been implemented in full accordance with the approved details. Thereafter each dwelling shall also be provided with a copy of the approved information upon first occupation of that dwelling. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of promoting access to public rights of way and improving the awareness of opportunities for recreation which avoid or minimise the need to visit areas of greater ecological sensitivity, and in the interests of residential amenity, in accordance with adopted policies CS1, CS9 and CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015), GSP5, A1 and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
22.No development shall take place beyond the DPC / foundations / slab level of any dwelling in the development hereby permitted until a Biodiversity Method Statement has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The content of the proposed Method Statement shall include: · The purpose and objectives for the proposed works, · Detailed designs and/or working methods necessary to achieve the stated objectives, . Extent and location of proposed works shown on appropriate scale maps and plans, · Timetable for implementation, demonstrating that works are aligned to the proposed phasing of construction, · Persons responsible for implementation of the works, · Initial aftercare and long-term maintenance (where relevant), · Disposal of any wastes arising from works. The method statement shall include but not be limited to proposing enhancements and mitigation for flora, birds, bats, and hedgehogs, and shall demonstrate how the proposals have had due regard to the information and recommendations presented in sections 5 and 6 of the submitted Ecological Report: Land north of Scratby Road, Scratby, dated 26/05/202 ref: 2019/238, including the minimum provision of 8no. built-in bat boxes or bat bricks and 8no. house sparrow nest features within the dwelling designs, to be sited at least 3m above ground and on eastern southern or western aspects (bats), and on northern, eastern or western aspects (house sparrows). The works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the details as approved and shall be retained in that manner thereafter. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure appropriate biodiversity protections and enhancements in accordance with adopted policies CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015), GSP5 and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the expectations of the NPPF.
23.No external lighting shall be erected in any location unless full details of its design, location, orientation and level of illuminance have first been submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. Such lighting shall be kept to the minimum necessary for the purposes of security and site safety and shall prevent upward and outward light radiation. Lighting shall be proposed only where it will not impact on new bat box locations (see condition 22). The lighting design strategy shall ensure appropriate regard to relevant standards (BS42020:2013 or equivalent). The lighting shall thereafter be implemented only in accordance with the approved details and shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure appropriate biodiversity protections and to protect the character of the landscape, minimise impacts on the night sky, and in the interests of visual and residential amenity, in accordance with adopted policies CS09 and CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015), GSP5, E4 and E6 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the expectations of the NPPF.
24.There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until appropriate cycle parking provision for that dwelling has first been provided and made available for use in accordance with the details of a scheme to be first submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority setting out the proposed means to provide covered and secure cycle parking to each dwelling within the development. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety and promoting sustainable travel and improved accessibility for residents of the development, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
25.There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until full details of layout and specifications in written and drawn form of the means by which electric vehicle charging points shall be provided to each dwelling in the development have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The charging provision shall be provided and made available for use prior to the first occupation of each dwelling in accordance with the approved details for that dwelling and shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is: - To ensure provision for the demand for electric vehicle charging within the development, to reduce the demand for unsustainable forms of transport and to minimise the impacts of air pollution contributions from this development, in accordance with adopted policies CS1 and CS14 of the Core Strategy (2015), I1 and E6 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021), and the expectations of the NPPF.
26.There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until visibility splays measuring 2.4 metres x 120 metres have first been provided to each side of the access where it meets the near edge of the adjacent highway carriageway. The splays shall thereafter be maintained at all times free from any obstruction exceeding 0.225 metres above the level of the adjacent highway carriageway. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety and the efficient and safe operation of the highway network, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
27.There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until the off-site highway improvement works (including any Public Rights of Way works) required by Condition 11 of this permission have first been completed and made available for use in strict accordance with the detailed plans approved under Condition 11 of this permission and to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed in the interests of highways safety and ensure that a safe and suitable pedestrian access route is available for the development, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
28.There shall be no occupation of any dwelling within the development hereby permitted until the roads and footways within the development have first been constructed to binder course surfacing level from that dwelling to the adjoining County road in accordance with the details to be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority pursuant to Condition 12 of this permission. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety, to ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
29.There shall be no occupation of the final dwelling within the development hereby permitted until all works have first been carried out on roads, footways, foul and surface water sewers in accordance with the approved specification and to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of highways safety, to ensure that the highway network is adequate to cater for the development proposed, in accordance with adopted policies CS16 of the Core Strategy (2015) and A2 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
30.There shall be no importation of any topsoil into the site until certificates confirming the amount and source of topsoil and intended use within the site have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The topsoil shall be demonstrably clean and from a certified source, with evidence to demonstrate this. Only topsoil approved by the Local Planning Authority shall be imported onto the site. The reason for the condition is :- To ensure an adequate form of development and in the interests of residential safety and amenity, in accordance with policy A1 of the adopted Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
31.Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any amendment revoking or re-enacting that Order) the dwellings hereby permitted shown as Plots 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11 on the approved site layout plan shall not be enlarged, altered or extended in any way, and nor shall outbuildings be constructed within their curtilages, without first obtaining the express written permission of the Local Planning Authority. The reason for the condition is:- To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over any further extensions or additions to the dwellings in the interests of protecting the residential amenity of neighbouring dwellings and future occupants in accordance with policy A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
32.Any tree, shrub or hedgerow forming part of the landscaping and/or public open space scheme which dies, is removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, within a period of ten years from the date of planting, shall be replaced with another of a similar size and species as that originally planted, and in the same place, during the next planting season immediately following its removal. The reason for the condition is:- To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area and on-site biodiversity, in accordance with the requirements of adopted policies CS09 and CS11 of the Core Strategy (2015), A1 and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021), and the expectations of the NPPF.
33.INFORMATIVE NOTE 1: PLANNING OBLIGATIONS: - This permission is the subject of an associated planning obligations legal agreement made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) (as amended), to ensure appropriate planning obligations are fulfilled and to address planning policy and natural environment protection requirements. The planning obligations cover: Affordable housing provision; Habitat impacts mitigation; Open space provision; Open space enhancements; and Library service enhancements. The Section 106 Agreement deed is dated 13th March 2024.
34.Informative Note 2 re: Condition 3 (Archaeology):- The applicant and developer are advised that in this case the programme of archaeological mitigatory work will need to commence with informative trial trenching to determine the scope and extent of any further mitigatory work that may be required (e.g. an archaeological excavation or monitoring of groundworks during construction). A brief for the archaeological work can be obtained from Norfolk County Council Historic Environment Service. The Historic Environment Service advises that the trial trenching should be carried out at an early stage in the preparation of the detailed designs so that the results can be fully considered in the design process.
35.Informative Note 3 re: Construction practices and the Construction Management Plan:- Air Quality during construction - The site will potentially generate a significant amount of dust during the construction process; therefore, the following measures should be employed: - An adequate supply of water shall be available for suppressing dust; - Mechanical cutting equipment with integral dust suppression should be used; - There shall be no burning of any materials on site, or burial of asbestos, which should instead be removed by an EA licenced waste carrier, and the waste transfer notes retained as evidence. Noise during construction - The applicant is strongly recommended to advise neighbouring businesses and residential occupiers of the proposals, including any periods of potentially significant disturbance e.g. demolition or piling, together with contact details in the event of problems.
36.Informative Note 4 re: Dwelling design noise protection standards:- It is recommended that dwellings are constructed to a standard which achieves certain minimum sound protection, specifically, sound attenuation against external noise and ensure internal sound levels no greater than: a) 35dB LAeq(16 hour) in the main living rooms of the dwelling(s) (for daytime and evening use); and b) 30dB LAeq(8 hour)/45dB LAmax(fast) in the bedrooms of the dwelling(s) (for nightime use) in line with World Health Organisation guidance, with windows shut and other means of ventilation provided.
37.Informative Note 5 re: EV Charging:- Policy I1 of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 requires the provision of electric vehicle (EV) car charging points on new developments. Unless first proven to be unfeasible or unviable, this should be provided for all new dwellings where on-site in-curtilage parking is proposed.
38.Informative Note 6 re: Nesting bird protections:- The applicant and developer are reminded that, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, as amended (section 1), it is an offence to remove, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while the nest is in use or being built. Planning consent for a development does not provide a defence against prosecution under this act. Whilst trees and scrub are likely to contain nesting birds between 1st March and 31st August inclusive, buildings can also support nesting birds. If works occur during the nesting period a careful check of the building by a competent ecologist should be undertaken to assess the nesting bird activity on the site during this period and has shown it is absolutely certain that nesting birds are not present.
39.Informative Note 7 re: Fire hydrants:- Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service advise that the onus is on the developer to install the necessary hydrants, during construction, to the satisfaction of Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service at the developer's expense. Should there be any queries please call the Norfolk Fire Service on 0300 123 1165 or email
40.Informative Note 8:- Anglian Water Services provide the following information: 1. Notification of intention to connect to the public sewer under S106 of the Water Industry Act - Approval and consent will be required by Anglian Water, under the Water Industry Act 1991. Contact Development Services Team 0345 606 6087. 2. Protection of existing assets - A public sewer is shown on record plans within the land identified for the proposed development. It appears that development proposals will affect existing public sewers. It is recommended that the applicant contacts Anglian Water Development Services Team for further advice on this matter. Building over existing public sewers will not be permitted (without agreement) from Anglian Water. 3. Building near to a public sewer - No building will be permitted within the statutory easement width of 3 metres from the pipeline without agreement from Anglian Water. Please contact Development Services Team on 0345 606 6087. 4. The developer should note that the site drainage details submitted have not been approved for the purposes of adoption. If the developer wishes to have the sewers included in a sewer adoption agreement with Anglian Water (under Sections 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991), they should contact our Development Services Team on 0345 606 6087 at the earliest opportunity. Sewers intended for adoption should be designed and constructed in accordance with Sewers for Adoption guide for developers, as supplemented by Anglian Water's requirements.
41.Informative Note 9 re: Public Open Space provision The applicant and developer are advised that in accordance with the terms of the Section 106 Agreement, the Public Open Space provision within the development will need to be provided in accordance with an Open Space Scheme required to be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, and the details of the Open Space Scheme must address the Open Space Policies in place at the time of that scheme's assessment. It is considered necessary that the open space to be provided on site should comprise at least 947.1sqm of which at least 757.7sqm should be designed to perform the function of Informal Amenity open space and at least 189.4sqm should be designed to perform the function of Play Space, in accordance with the terms of current policy H4 and the adopted Open Space Supplementary Planning Document. It is considered that both types of open space can be accommodated within the area of proposed 4,223sqm of open space area shown within the approved plans.
42.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: - In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner to secure amendments to the application to make the development acceptable, notwithstanding there being some conflict with adopted planning policy. It is hereby acknowledged that the application has been concluded through the completion of an associated Section 106 Agreement to provide the necessary public infrastructure mitigation measures including affordable housing provision and GIRAMS Habitat Impacts Mitigation and Public Open Space improvement contributions and Open Space areas provision.
43.INFORMATIVE NOTE: HABITAT REGULATIONS ASSESSMENT: - The applicant and developer are advised that the development has been considered by Natural England in respect of its possible impacts on European Designated Sites. Natural England advise in their consultation response dated 19th January 2023, ref: 417580, that the specific measures (including financial contributions) to be provided in the development and associated Section 106 Agreement must be fulfilled to ensure the development prevents an adverse impact on the integrity of those European Site(s) for the duration of the proposed development. Further to the advice from Natural England, the Local Planning Authority is therefore satisfied, as competent authority under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), that the terms of the permission and its associated Section 106 Agreement will have the combined effect of ensuring the development passes the Appropriate Assessment required by the Habitat Regulations.