Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.This proposal is located beyond the recognised retail centres in both adopted and emergent policy and there is failure to offer information in "sequential" appraisal, so the proposal does not demonstrate that this is the most appropriate and available sustainable location for the use proposed, and in turn does not ensure that it safeguards the retail function and character, and in turn has not demonstrated that it will be able to avoid harm to the vitality and viability of the defined Great Yarmouth Town Centre. This is contrary to Great Yarmouth Borough Council Adopted Local Plan Core Strategy Policy CS7 and Emerging Local Plan Part 2 Policies R1 and E5, and is also contrary to the NPPF (paragraphs 87 and 91) where proposals require sequential assessment, when beyond the Primary Shopping Area, and should be refused where this is not provided.
2.As a result of the recently completed residences in the forecourt area fronting Nelson Road, this proposal is considered to represent over-development of the site which is likely to give rise to loss of amenity for the flats within the site and to residential occupants in other adjacent property, due to increased noise and disturbance and detrimental visual impact arising from the propsoed commercial waste storage in addition to the domestic waste storage already existing. As such the proposal is contrary to Great Yarmouth Borough Council Adopted Local Plan Core strategy policy CS9 and Emerging Local Plan Part 2 policy A1.
3.The proposal will harm the character of the existing terraced group of which this property forms the eastern end by unbalancing the existing symmetry and by the wider impact on the designated heritage asset: the conservation area, where both the proposed upvc shopwindow and the advertising that would be likely to be required will be of adverse impact, contrary to Great Yarmouth Borough Council Adopted Local Plan Core Strategy Policy CS10 where development should preserve or enhance the asset, and this is considered to do neither. Furthermore, the harm caused to the conservation area is not considered to be outweighed by the minimal benefits offered by a small area of retail use in a sequentially-inappropriate location which is already served by local convenience outlets, so fails to address the requirements of NPPF 2021 paragraph 202.