Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The majority of the application site is located outside the village development limits and seeks the erection of two dwellings; consequently, the application is contrary to saved policy HOU07 from the Borough-Wide Local Plan and Core Policy CS02 (a) from the adopted Core Strategy. Justification has not been given that the proposal should be assessed against saved policy HOU10 from the Borough-Wide Local Plan and furthermore it does not meet the criteria required.
2.The proposed dwellings, by virtue of their layout and lack of road frontage would have a poor relationship with neighbouring buildings and the street scene. This would be contrary to Core Policy CS09 C which seeks to promote positive relationships between existing and proposed buildings, streets and well lit spaces, thus creating safe, attractive, functional places with active frontages that limit the opportunities for crime, as well as saved policy HOU07 A which seeks to ensure that proposed development is not harmful to the proposed form and character of a settlement.
3.The net increase of two dwellings on the site would result in the over development of the site, resulting in dwellings that have smaller curtilages and outdoor private amenity areas than what is characteristic for the area, contrary to saved policy HOU17 from the Borough-Wide Local Plan. This would also be contrary to Core Policy CS09 A which seek to ensure that development respects the surrounding built environment in terms of form, scale and massing, and contrary to CS09 F which seeks to ensure adequate amenity for future occupants.
4.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT (REFUSALS): In accordance with the NPPF, in determining this application for planning permission, the Borough Council has approached it in a positive and proactive way and where possible has sought solutions to problems to achieve the aim of approving sustainable development. Unfortunately, despite this, in this particular case the development is not considered to represent sustainable or an acceptable form of development and has been refused for the reasons set out above.