Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.This proposal is located on land outside current development limits and some distance from local schools. It is considered contrary to Great Yarmouth Borough Council saved policy HOU10 where permission for dwellings in the Countryside will only be given where required in connection with agriculture, forestry or other listed criteria and Adopted Core Strategy policy CS1 where growth is required to be sustainable by ensuring that new development is of a scale and in a location that complements the character and supports the function of individual settlements; and policy CS2 where in the countryside, development will be limited to conversions/replacement dwellings/buildings and schemes that help to meet rural needs; and the NPPF, as being outside the development limits and unsustainable location for this scale of development. The "tilted balance" is not considered to apply as the Council's position statement on housing land identifies an appropriate buffered land supply.
2.The proposal will lead to a further harmful coalescence of the settlements of Ormnesby and Caister and further built development towards Scratby, contrary to the objectiveds of Core Strategy policy CS11 and the Landscape Character assessment, where proposals should safeguard and enhance the borough's wider landscape character,
3.The proposal is sited within the area categorised by DEFRA as high quality Grade 1 agricultural land (best and most versatile), and therefore contrary to Great Yarmouth Borough Council Core Strategy policy CS6(j), CS11(j) where the protection and where possible enhancement of high quality agricultural land is cited and Policy CS12 (g) Recognising the need to protect the best and most versatile agricultural land as a valuable resource for future generations and NPPF paragraph 170(b)
4.No details of the potential of the site to harbour land contamination have been submitted with the application. This means it is not possible to properly establish whether the land is appropriate for development. This is considered contrary to National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 178 where Planning policies and decisions should ensure that: a site is suitable for its proposed use taking account of ground conditions and any risks arising from contamination.