Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.By virtue of its set back position, the proposal would not form a natural extension to the cul-de-sac and would be out of character with the form of the development. The sub-division and the increased density of development would result in the overdevelopment of the site with limited outdoor amenity space for both the donor dwelling and the proposal. Consequently, the proposal is contrary to saved policies HOU07 A and HOU17 as well as Core Policy CS09 A and C from the adopted Core Strategy which seeks to ensure that development is of a form that is reflective of the built environment and promotes active frontages and development that has a positive relationship with its surroundings.
2.The proposal would result in additional vehicular movements and there would be additional disturbance to nos 8 and 12 Fulmar Close. The result would be unacceptable levels of disturbance that would be contrary to saved policy HOU07 E from the Borough-Wide Local Plan and Core Policy CS09 F which seeks to protect the amenity of neighbours.
3.The application is an outline application for layout and scale only; however, no elevations have been provided. Consequently, the Local Planning Authority is unable to fully assess the impact that the proposal would have on neighbouring residents.
4.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT (REFUSALS): In accordance with the NPPF, in determining this application for planning permission, the Borough Council has approached it in a positive and proactive way and where possible has sought solutions to problems to achieve the aim of approving sustainable development. Unfortunately, despite this, in this particular case the development is not considered to represent sustainable or an acceptable form of development and has been refused for the reasons set out above.