Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission. The reason for the condition is :- The time limit condition is imposed in order to comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2.The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans (plan ref: 1466/1) received by the Local Planning Authority on the 23rd January 2020. The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt.
3.Prior to the commencement of the use hereby permitted, full details of any ventilation system and flues shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The agreed ventilation shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details before the A5 use commences and shall remain in perpetuity. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of the occupiers of nearby properties and to ensure the satisfactory appearance of the area.
4.The premises shall not be open for business outside of the following hours:- 08:00-22:00 Mondays 08:00-22:00 Tuesdays 08:00-22:00 Wednesdays 08:00-22:00 Thursdays 08:00-22:00 Fridays 08:00-22:00 Saturdays 08:00 to 22:00 Sundays and bank holidays. The reason for the condition is :- In the interests of the residential amenities of the occupiers of nearby dwellings.
5.REASON FOR APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION :- The proposal meets the criteria set out in saved policies SHP4 and SHP15 from the Borough-Wide Local Plan and complies with the aims of core policies CS07 and CS10 from the adopted Core Strategy.
6.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner.