Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.This permission expires on 19 January 2029 and unless on or before this date application has been made for an extension to the period of permission and such application is approved by the Local Planning Authority the use shall be discontinued. The reason for the condition is:- In order to retain control over the use of the site and in the interest of the amenities of the locality and in order to help implement the Council's future ambitions in this area laid down in the Great Yarmouth Town Centre Regeneration Framework and Masterplan.
2.The development shall be carried out in accordance with the application form and the following plans: . Site Location Plan received 31 October 2022 . First Floor Plan received 11 January 2023 . Bin Location Plan received 6 January 2023 . Fire Escape Route and Parking Plan received 6 January 2023 The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt.
3.The occupation of the hostel use hereby permitted shall be limited to rough sleepers or those at risk of rough sleeping who are homeless/street homeless and support staff connected with that use only. The reason for the condition is :- In order to retain control over the use of the site and in the interest of the amenities of the locality and in order to help implement the Council's future ambitions in this area laid down in the Great Yarmouth Town Centre Regeneration Framework and Masterplan.
4.Only the rooms labelled as Bed 6 - 21 (inclusive) on the approved first floor plan shall be used by rough sleepers or those at risk of rough sleeping who are homeless/street homeless and no more than 1 adult shall occupy any of these rooms. The reason for the condition is :- In accordance with what was applied for and to ensure suitable accommodation for all occupiers.
5.The office space hereby permitted within the rooms labelled as Bed 1 - 5 (inclusive) on the approved floor plan shall be ancillary to the hostel use for rough sleepers or those at risk of rough sleeping who are homeless/street homeless only and shall not be occupied as a separate and unassociated office use. The reason for the condition is :- In order to retain control over the use of the site and in the interest of the amenities of the locality and in order to help implement the Council's future ambitions in this area laid down in the Great Yarmouth Town Centre Regeneration Framework and Masterplan.
6.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner.