Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission. The reason for the condition is :- The time limit condition is imposed in order to comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2.The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following plans and details received by the Local Planning Authority: a) Drawing NR31 7RA-A-01: Location Plan, dated 25-04-22; b) Drawing NR31 7RA-A-03D: Proposed Site Plan, Revision D dated 17-01-23, received on 19th January 2023; c) Drawing NR31 7RA-A-05: Proposed Elevations, dated 24-04-22; d) Drawing NR31 7RA-A-04: Proposed Floor Plans, dated 10-03-22; e) Drawing PWP 702 001 Revision 00: Outline Landscape Masterplan (Planting Schedule), dated 16/09/22, received on 20th February 2023; f) Drawing R-06B: Kitchen (detailed kitchen layout), Revision B dated 01.02.22; g) Drawing Version 01, Product Code CA1-450S4-1A, entitled Pole Start Products Limited (submitted as the Extractor Fan K450 Systemair details) (undated), received on 19th January 2023; h) Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (ref 2666), by Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, dated 7 March 2022; i) Bat Activity Survey Report (ref 2706 Version 1.2), by Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, dated 28 September 2022, received on 25th October 2022; j) Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (ref 3042 Version 1.0), by Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, dated 30 January 2023, received on 31st January 2023; k) Water Efficiency Statement (unreferenced), by LNT Care Developments, dated September 2022; l) Quantum EV Open Charge Data Sheet (ref EVQROCD-V02-R2): Quantum: EV Product Specification, by ROLEC EV Charging (undated); m) Noise Impact Assessment (ref DYN240122A Rev. 1), by Dynamic Response (Noise And Vibration Consultants) Ltd, dated July 2022; n) Battery Plant Container Specification (unreferenced), by LNT Construction (undated), received on 19th January 2023; o) Arboricultural Impact Assessment (ref 14712_R01_MB_CW), by Tyler Grange, dated 29th March 2022, received on 18th January 2023; p) Flood Risk Statement (unreferenced), by LNT Care Developments, dated November 2022, received on 9th November 2022; q) Ecosure Big City Water Garden Specification (unreferenced): large combined water butt and planter specification, received on 22 June 2023; r) Fitting instructions for water butt rain diverter kits (unreferenced), received on 22 June 2023; s) Drainage Strategy Layout plan GYGR-BSP-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK240 Revision: P04, by BSP Consulting dated 17 May 2023, received on 19 May 2023; t) Boundary Treatments & Garden Furniture drawing ref B-07, by LNT Construction, dated 08 March 2023, received on 22 June 2023; u) Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment (ref 3079), by Greenlight Environmental Consultancy, dated 03 April 2023, received on 21st June 2023; and, v) as well as the approved documents which form the approved Drainage Strategy for the development (dated 17 May 2023, received 19th May 2023) as listed at Condition 8 of this permission. The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt.
3.The development hereby permitted shall only be used as a care/nursing home as defined under Use Class C2, and the National Planning Practice Guidance for housing for older and disabled people, and for no other purpose (including any other purposes in Use Class C of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) (or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification)). The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt and because other uses within Use Class C could have an unacceptable impact on highway safety and amenity of neighbouring occupiers, in the interests of maintaining highway safety and neighbouring amenity in accordance with Policies CS16 of the Core Strategy, and I1 and A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
4.The development hereby permitted shall not at any time be available to occupants to reside in where that person is under the age of 65 years of age. The reason for the condition is:- The development has been proposed on the basis that care will be provided to those of a minimum age of 65 years old, and has provided mitigation to address the impacts from that age band only; were the development to be opened to younger persons the impacts may differ from those considered and other mitigation may be required which are not proposed in the application as presented such as provision of open space, so the condition is imposed in accordance with policies GSP8 and H4 of the Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021) amongst others.
5.The development hereby permitted shall be constructed to include the noise reduction / mitigation measures as set out and recommended within Section 6 of the approved Noise Impact Assessment report ref DYN240122A Rev. 1, dated July 2022. The building envelope to the development hereby permitted shall be constructed to provide sound attenuation against external noise and ensure internal sound levels no greater than: a) 35dB LAeq(16 hour) for all lounge, library and communal meeting places with the exception of offices, corridors and maintenance areas; b) 30dB LAeq(8 hour)/45dB LAmax(fast) for all bedrooms. There shall be no occupation of the development hereby permitted for the purposes of overnight accommodation until an appropriate certificate issued by a suitably-qualified person(s) has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority sufficient to demonstrate these construction criteria and noise mitigation features have been provided and that the noise reduction standards have been satisfied. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure adequate living conditions for future occupiers and to satisfy World Health Organisation guidance levels in accordance with Policy A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
6.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until a Construction Management Plan, which shall include matters such as hours of working, points of access and methods of construction, has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Construction Hours to be used shall be limited to 0730 - 1830 Monday - Friday, 0830 - 1330 Saturdays, and there shall be no work undertaken on Sundays or Public / Bank Holidays. The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details. The reason for the condition is: - In the interests of appropriate development and protecting the amenities of the area in accordance with Policy A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021). This needs to be a pre-commencement condition as it deals with safeguards associated with the construction period of the development.
7.There shall be no commencement of the development hereby permitted until a detailed Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The protections afforded to trees within and adjoining the site shall include but not be exclusive to the use of a Construction Exclusion Zone and protective fencing / tree protection barriers which shall be erected in the locations proposed in the submitted and approved Arboricultural Implications Assessment (AIA) dated 29 March 2022. The AMS and protective measures shall be prepared and undertaken in accordance with BS 5837 (2012) - Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction. For the avoidance of doubt, the required location of the necessary exclusion barrier zone is shown within the approved AIA document. The reason for the condition is:- To avoid any unnecessary loss of trees, harm or damage being caused to the woodland during the construction process in accordance with Policy CS11 of the Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policy E4 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
8.The development hereby permitted shall be built in strict accordance with the submitted Drainage Strategy and the following additional supporting documents: · · Letter from Calabrian Ltd | Subject: Beauford Way, Great Yarmouth - Supplementary Soakaway Testing | Calabrian Limited | Ref: 7177/010/RJH/rjh | Rev: N/A | Dated: 22 June 2022 · · Assessment of Water Quality and the appropriate Water Treatment | LNT Construction [assumed] | Ref: N/A | Rev: N/A | Dated: N/A · · SuDS Maintenance Manual data Sheet for Attenuation Soakaway | BSP Consulting | Ref: MM-AS-01 | Rev: V1 | Dated: November 2016 · · SuDS Maintenance Manual data Sheet for Inspection Chamber | BSP Consulting | Ref: MM-GS-02 | Rev: V1 | Dated: November 2016 · · SuDS Maintenance Manual data Sheet for Permeable Paved Driveway | BSP Consulting | Ref: MM-PP-01 | Rev: V2 | Dated: June 2015 · · SuDS Maintenance Manual data Sheet for Gullies | BSP Consulting | Ref: MM-GS- 02 | Rev: V1 | Dated: November 2016 · · SuDS Maintenance Manual data Sheet for Catchpit | BSP Consulting | Ref: MM-GS-02 | Rev: V1 | Dated: November 2016 · · GYRG Response to LLFA Comments Letter P01 | BSP Consulting | Ref: 22-0350 | Rev: N/A | Dated: 30 March 2023 · · MicroDrainage GYRG Greenfield Runoff Calcs output page | BPS Consulting | Ref: N/A | Rev: N/A | Dated: 30 March 2023 · Letter from Calabrian Ltd | Subject: Beauford Way, Great Yarmouth - Supplementary Soakaway Testing | Calabrian Limited | Ref: 7177/014/RJH/rjh | Rev: N/A | Dated: 29 March 2023 · · Letter P03 - GYRG Response to LLFA Comments | BSP Consulting | Ref: 22-0350 | Rev: P03 | Dated: 17 May 2023 · · Covering Letter to LLFA | Subject: RE: Application 06/22/0747/F - Proposed 66 Bedroom Care Home, Gorleston-on-Sea | LNT Construction | Ref: N/A | Rev: N/A | Dated: 21 June 2023 · · Boundary Treatments & Garden Furniture drawing | LNT Construction | Ref: B-07 | Rev: N/A | Dated: 08 March 2023. The schematic drainage layout used in the drainage scheme must be that which is demonstrated in the final submitted drainage strategy drawing: 'Drainage Strategy | BSP Consulting | Proposed 66-bed Care Home Guinevere Road, Great Yarmouth, NR31 7RA | Ref: GYGR-BSP-ZZ-XX-DR-C-SK240 | Rev: P04 | Dated: 17 May 2023'. The approved scheme shall be implemented and made available for use prior to the first residential occupation of the development. The reason for the condition is : - To prevent flooding in accordance with adopted local plan policies CS13 of the Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and E1 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021), and National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 167, 169 and 174, by ensuring the satisfactory management of local flood risk, surface water flow paths, storage and disposal of surface water from the site in a range of rainfall events and ensuring the SuDS as proposed operates as designed for the lifetime of the development.
9.There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted beyond foundation / slab / damp proof course levels until the precise details of the materials, rainwater goods and finishing details to be used in the external walls and roofs of the development have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved details which shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is:- To provide a high quality of development design and in the interests of maintaining visual amenity, in accordance with Policies CS09 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policies A1 and A2 of the adopted Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
10.There shall be no construction of the development hereby permitted beyond foundation / slab / damp proof course levels until a detailed scheme for a Landscaping and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The details of the Landscaping and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan shall be based upon the principles suggested in the Outline Landscape Masterplan (Planting Schedule) drawing submitted in the application, and shall include a detailed planting plan, planting specification, schedules, maintenance regime and proposed ecological enhancement features including proposed installation of bird and bat boxes. The development shall thereafter be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved details which shall be provided and made available for use prior to the first occupational use of the development hereby permitted. The features of the Plan shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is:- For the enhancement of biodiversity and ecological assets, and in the interests of securing good design and appropriate standards of residential amenity, in accordance with Policies CS09 and CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policies A1 and E4 of the adopted Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
11.There shall be no occupation / use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until a "Statement of Good Ecological Practice" has first been signed by a competent ecologist upon completion and review of the wildlife enhancement features contained in the Landscaping and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan required by Condition 10 of this permission. The Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the overnight occupation of the development, sufficient to confirm that the specified enhancement measures contained within the Biodiversity Enhancement Plan have been implemented in accordance with good practice. The reason for the condition is:- In order to safeguard the ecological interests of the site in accordance with Policy CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
12.All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the details of landscaping in the scheme to be approved within the Landscaping and Biodiversity Enhancement Plan required by Condition 9 of this permission (which expands on the Outline Landscape Masterplan (Planting Schedule) drawing submitted in the application) shall be carried out no later than the first planting and seeding season following the occupation of the buildings for overnight accommodation, or the completion of the development, whichever, is the sooner. The reason for the condition is:- For the protection of the amenities of the area and in the interests of good design in accordance with Policies CS11 and CS09 of the Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015), and Policies A1 and E4 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
13.There shall be no use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until full details of the odour management/filtration system of the equipment to be used in the kitchen and kitchen extractor systems, along with proposed noise prevention / reduction methods, and proposed maintenance schedules thereof, have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thereafter install the equipment in accordance with the details as approved, which shall be retained in full accordance with the approved details and shall be maintained as such for so long as the uses continues. The reason for the condition is:- To control the odour and noise emitted from the site in the interests of protecting residential amenity in accordance with Policy A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
14.Part (a) - There shall be no occupation / use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until a Travel Information Plan has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Travel Information Plan to be submitted shall: (i) make provision for travel information to be publicised to staff and visitors to the site; and (ii) specify the different methods to be used for publicity and the frequency of review; and, (iii) shall include incentives to promote sustainable travel choice for staff and employees of the development hereby permitted; and, (iv) shall include provisions for undertaking a review and update of the Travel Information Plan on an annual basis, and for circulation thereof. The information to be included in the Travel Information Plan shall also include: (v) details of the public transport routes and services available within 800 metres walking distance of the site, (vi) cycle parking provision and facilities for cyclists on site, and, (vii) any other measures which would support and encourage access to the site by means other than the private car. For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding the inclusion of a 'Transport Assessment and Travel Plan' document with the submitted application, that document is not approved as part of this permission. The Travel Information Plan may refer to the principles suggested therein but shall need to present proposals which expand upon those measures, to provide a development-specific proposal with recognised measures, operational responsibilities and targets to monitor travel behaviour. Advice on this matter can be obtained from the County Council's Highway Development Management Group, tel: 0344 800 8020 or email: Part (b) - Prior to the first occupation of the development for overnight accommodation, the approved Travel Information Plan shall be made available to all employees and visitors to the development, in accordance with the details of the Plan as approved and, once made available, the use of the Travel Information Plan shall be retained and made available to all new employees and visitors thereafter in accordance with the agreed review details. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure that the development supports sustainable modes of transport and to reduce the impact of travel and transport on the environment in accordance with Policies CS1 and CS2 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
15.There shall be no occupation / use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until the proposed access, on-site car and cycle parking, and turning/waiting areas have first been be laid out, demarcated, levelled, surfaced and drained in accordance with the approved layout plan and these shall be retained thereafter available for that specific use. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure the permanent availability of the parking/manoeuvring areas, in the interests of satisfactory development and highway safety in accordance with Policy I1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
16.There shall be no occupation / use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until an appropriately-sized ambulance arrival, loading and parking area, to be located in as close proximity to the entrance as is practicable, has first been be laid out and demarcated and retained thereafter available for that specific use. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure the permanent availability of the ambulance parking and loading area, in the interests of satisfactory development, resident's safety and highway safety in accordance with Policy I1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
17.There shall be no occupation / use of the development hereby permitted for overnight accommodation until an external defibrillator and operating system has first been installed and made available for use located in as close proximity to the entrance as is practicable. The defibrillator unit system shall be made available for emergency use by all residents, employees, visitors and the public, and awareness of its availability and training in its use and application shall be provided to all employees and staff the development hereby permitted on at least an annual basis. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure the permanent availability of the defibrillator unit and ability to ensure its appropriate use, in the interests of satisfactory development and resident's and visitors' safety in accordance with the principles of good design and Policies CS09 of the Core Strategy (2015) and policy A1 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
18.If, during development, contamination is found to be present, then no further development shall be carried out in pursuance of this permission until a scheme has first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailing how the contamination shall be dealt with in accordance with an appropriate remediation scheme to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. Only when evidence is provided to confirm the contamination no longer presents an unacceptable risk, can development continue. The reason for the condition is:- To ensure that risks from land contamination to the future users of the land and neighbouring land are minimised, together with those to controlled waters, property and ecological systems, and to ensure that the development can be carried out safely without unacceptable risks to workers, neighbours and other offsite receptors, in accordance with Policy E6 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and Section 179 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
19.No tree, shrub or hedgerow which is indicated on the approved Outline Landscaping Masterplan drawing or the Arboricultural Implications Assessment plan to be retained shall be topped, lopped, uprooted, felled or in any other way destroyed, within ten years of the date of the first occupation of the building for overnight accommodation, other than if such works are required in accordance with the approved plans and details. A retained tree, shrub, or hedgerow, means an existing tree, shrub or hedgerow which is to be retained in accordance with the approved plans and particulars. The reason for the condition is:- To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area and on-site biodiversity, in accordance with the requirements of Policies CS09 and CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policies A1 and E4 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
20.Any tree, shrub or hedgerow forming part of the landscape scheme which dies, is removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, within a period of ten years from the date of planting, shall be replaced with another of a similar size and species as that originally planted, and in the same place, during the next planting season immediately following its removal. The reason for the condition is:- To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area and on-site biodiversity, in accordance with the requirements of Policies CS09 and CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015) and Policies A1 and E4 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Local Plan Part 2 (2021).
21.No external lighting shall be erected within the development site unless full details of its design, location, orientation and level of illumination and luminescence have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such lighting shall be kept to the minimum necessary for the purposes of security and site safety and shall prevent upward and outward light radiation. The specifications to be provided shall include appropriate mitigation to minimise the impacts on bats and disturbance to bat feeding corridors alongside and within the site. The lighting shall thereafter be implemented in strict accordance with the approved details and the mitigation measures included shall be installed prior to the use of the lighting, and shall be retained as such thereafter. The reason for the condition is:- In order to safeguard visual and neighbouring amenity, the ecological interests of the site to improve the Borough's natural environment and to avoid any harmful impacts of development on its biodiversity, landscape assets, priority habitats and species in accordance with Policies CS09 and CS11 of the adopted Great Yarmouth Core Strategy (2015), policies A1 and E4 of the Local Plan Part 2 (2021) and the principles of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
22.INFORMATIVE NOTE: PLANNING OBLIGATIONS: - This permission is the subject of an associated planning obligations legal agreement made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act (1990) as amended, to ensure appropriate planning obligations are fulfilled and to address planning policy and natural environment protection requirements. The planning obligations cover: financial contributions towards Habitats Mitigation; Open space provision and enhancement; and, Integrated Care System investments. The Section 106 Agreement deed is dated 22nd September 2023.
23.INFORMATIVE NOTE: HABITAT REGULATIONS ASSESSMENT: - The applicant and developer are advised that the development has been considered by Natural England in respect of its possible impacts on European Designated Sites. Natural England advise in their consultation response dated 13th July 2023, ref: 440748, that the specific measures (including financial contributions) to be provided in the development and associated Section 106 Agreement must be fulfilled to ensure the development prevents an adverse impact on the integrity of those European Site(s) for the duration of the proposed development. Further to the advice from Natural England, the Local Planning Authority is therefore satisfied, as competent authority under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended), that the terms of the permission and its associated Section 106 Agreement will have the combined effect of ensuring the development passes the Appropriate Assessment required by the Habitat Regulations.
24.INFORMATIVE NOTES: - (a) The applicant is advised that businesses require a Trade Waste contract to dispose of all waste associated with commercial activities as stated in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 34. (b) The applicant is strongly recommended to advise neighbouring businesses and residential occupiers of the proposals, including any periods of potentially significant disturbance e.g. demolition or piling, together with contact details in the event of problems. (c) Due to the close proximity of other residential dwellings and businesses, the hours of any construction or refurbishment works should be restricted to: 0730 hours to 1830 hours Monday to Friday 0830 hours to 1330 hours Saturdays No work on Sundays or Bank Holidays (d) The site will potentially generate a significant amount of dust during the construction process; therefore, the following measures should be employed: - An adequate supply of water shall be available for suppressing dust; - Mechanical cutting equipment with integral dust suppression should be used; - There shall be no burning of any materials on site, or burial of asbestos, which should instead be removed by an EA licenced waste carrier, and the waste transfer notes retained as evidence. (e) The responsibility for the safe development and secure occupancy of the site rests with the developer. The Local Planning Authority has determined the application on the basis of the information available to it, but this does not mean that the land is free from contamination, or that the land could not be declared Contaminated Land in future. (f) The applicant should ensure that adequate and suitable provision is made for the surface water drainage of the proposed development. Under no circumstances should the surface water be connected into the foul drainage system without the permission if Anglian Water. It should be noted that it is the applicant's/developer's responsibility to ensure adequate drainage of the site so as not to adversely affect surrounding land, property or the highway. (g) If the developer wishes to connect to Anglian Water's sewerage network they should serve notice under Section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991. They will then advise of the most suitable point of connection. Contact Development Services Team 0345 606 6087. (h) Protection of existing assets - A public sewer is shown on record plans within the land identified for the proposed development. It appears that development proposals will affect existing public sewers. It is recommended that the applicant contacts Anglian Water Development Services Team for further advice on this matter. Building over existing public sewers will not be permitted (without agreement) from Anglian Water. (i) Building near to a public sewer - No building will be permitted within the statutory easement width of 3 metres from the pipeline without agreement from Anglian Water. Please contact Development Services Team on 0345 606 6087. (j) The developer should note that the site drainage details submitted have not been approved for the purposes of adoption. If the developer wishes to have the sewers included in a sewer adoption agreement with Anglian Water (under Sections 104 of the Water Industry Act 1991), they should contact their Development Services Team on 0345 606 6087 at the earliest opportunity. Sewers intended for adoption should be designed and constructed in accordance with Sewers for Adoption guide for developers, as supplemented by Anglian Water's requirements. (k) The preferred method of surface water disposal is to a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) with connection to sewer seen as the last option. Building Regulations (part H) on Drainage and Waste Disposal for England includes a surface water drainage hierarchy, with infiltration on site as the preferred disposal option, followed by discharge to watercourse and then connection to a sewer. (l) Attention is brought to Essex and Suffolk Water's advice. They recommend that care is taken to ensure that their assets are unaffected by the proposed works, with specific mention of the 180mm PE main where the kerb is being lowered. The attached plan indicates the approximate location of their assets in this area. Please be aware that liability for any damages throughout the duration of the works falls onto the party carrying out these works and their chosen contractor. (m) Advice on Highway Authority matters can be obtained from Norfolk County Council's Highway Development Management Group, tel: 0344 800 8020 or email: (n) The developer is reminded that it is an offence to allow materials to be carried from the site and deposited on or damage the highway from uncleaned wheels or badly loaded vehicles. The Highway Authority will seek, wherever possible, to recover any expenses incurred in clearing, cleaning or repairing highway surfaces and prosecutes persistent offenders. (Highways Act 1980 Sections 131, 148, 149.) (o) The Bat Conservation Trust and The Institution of Lighting Professionals (ILP) have produced new guidance on bats and lighting: (p) Attention is brought to the advice provided by Norfolk Fire Service and their outline of the Building Regulations requirements the development should address in respect of fire safety.
25.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: - In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner, to secure amendments to the application to make the development acceptable notwithstanding there being some conflict with adopted planning policy. It is hereby acknowledged that the application has been concluded through the completion of an associated Section 106 Agreement to provide the necessary GIRAMS Habitat Impacts Mitigation, Public Open Space and Integrated Care Services financial contributions to ensure the provision of appropriate and necessary financial contributions required prior to the commencement of development.