Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
Tips for using online search: If you know the reference number of the application it is recommended you fill in the reference number field only. Completing a number of different fields can cause the search to fail
calender calender (DD-MM-YY)
calender calender (DD-MM-YY)

Please note: The online records are incomplete and must not be used as a substitute for carrying out a formal Land Charges Search. No responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the Planning and Building Control information provided online. The information contained on this system does not constitute a formal notification of a Planning or Building Control decision, and any actions taken as a result of information on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer's own risk. You can view all applications, appeals and associated documents at the main reception at the Town Hall, during normal office hours 09:00 to 17:00. Under the Local Government (Access to Information Act 1985) your comments on Planning applications will be made available for public inspection at the Town Hall.