Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The development must be begun not later than three years beginning with the date of this permission. The reason for the condition is :- The time limit condition is imposed in order to comply with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.
2.The development shall be carried out in accordance with the block plan received by the Local Planning Authority on the 24/01/2019 and the location plan received by the Local Planning Authority on the 02/07/2019. The reason for the condition is:- For the avoidance of doubt.
3.Notwithstanding the provisions of Class C2 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order 1987 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting that Order) the premises shall only be used for a field study centre for students and shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior consent in writing of the Local Planning Authority. The reason for the condition is:- To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the use of the premises.
4.The maximum number of students who shall use the hereby permitted field study centre shall not exceed 34 students at any one time. The reason for the condition is:- In the interests of neighbouring amenity.
5.The maximum length of stay at the hereby permitted field study centre shall not exceed 7 nights. The reason for the condition is:- To enable the Local Planning Authority to retain control over the use of the premises.
6.All students visiting the field study centre must be supervised at all times when visiting the Natura 2000 site and shall be given information regarding how to avoid damage and disturbance to the Little Tern and its habitat. This information shall be available for officers from the Local Planning Authority to view at all times. The reason for the condition is :-
7.REASON FOR APPROVAL OF THE APPLICATION :- The proposal meets the criteria set out in saved policy EDC03 in the Borough-Wide Local Plan and core policies CS01, CS08, CS11 and CS15 in the adopted Core Strategy.
8.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner.