Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The narrowing of Pound Lane at the junction with Main Road could lead to an increase the potential for conflict between turning vehicles. As such the proposal is contrary to Core Policy CS16 which in part seeks to ensure that that new development does not have an adverse impact on the safety and efficiency of the local road network for all users.
2.The site is outside the defined settlement boundary for Filby both in the existing and emerging plan and Core Policy CS2 states that the development in secondary villages, like Filby where 5% growth is anticipated, will take place within the secondary (and Tertiary villages). Moreover, the proposal would result in the loss of 1.4858 hectares of BMV Grade 1 agricultural land. Core Policies CS06 and CS12 recognise the need to protect the best and most versatile agricultural land as a valuable resource for future generations and minimising its loss to development. In this instance, it is considered that the loss of agricultural land would not be outweighed by the benefits of the scheme and therefore the proposal is contrary to Core Policy CS06 J.
3.Core Policy CS11 aims to conserve and enhance the designated nature conservation sites within the Borough. There are concerns that in certain scenarios, such as if the pumping station were to fail, then the nearby Trinity Broads could potentially be contaminated, it has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that the potential contamination of the broads would not occur. This would be contrary to Core Policy CS11 which seeks to protected these designated sites.
4.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT (REFUSALS): In accordance with the NPPF, in determining this application for planning permission, the Borough Council has approached it in a positive and proactive way and where possible has sought solutions to problems to achieve the aim of approving sustainable development. Unfortunately, despite this, in this particular case the development is not considered to represent sustainable or an acceptable form of development and has been refused for the reasons set out above.