Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.The application is contrary to saved policy HOU22 of the 2001 Borough Wide Local Plan by seeking to provide permanent residential accommodation within an area designated as prime holiday accommodation. The loss of holiday accommodation within designated prime holiday accommodation areas would damage the tourism offering and vitality of the area by creating sections of residential frontage breaking up the holiday uses. The loss of holiday accommodation at points nearest the tourist attractions and the main commercial areas of Marine Parade and Regent Road decreases the accessibility and permeability for persons on holiday. By reducing the availability of accommodation the existing key attractions could see a reduced footfall contrary to policy CS8 of adopted Core Strategy. The loss of holiday frontage and decreased offering of nearby accommodation not only detracts from the variety of visitor stock but also damages the character of the area.
2.The applicant has failed to adequately demonstrate that the loss of holiday accommodation would benefit the remaining tourism use on the site and as such has not complied with policy CS8 of the adopted Core Strategy.
3.The development would add to the local supply of housing where there is no five year housing land supply however it is assessed that the impact of the loss of holiday accommodation in this specific area significantly and demonstrably out weighs the benefit of providing housing in a sustainable location.
4.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In accordance with the NPPF, in determining this application for planning permission, the Borough Council has approached it in a positive and proactive way and where possible has sought solutions to problems to achieve the aim of approving sustainable development. Unfortunately, despite this, in this particular case the development is not considered to represent sustainable or an acceptable form of development and has been refused for the reasons set out above.