Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.This proposal proposes dwellings on unallocated land and given the lack of other public benefits arising from what is a relatively isolated site, intruding into open countryside and the considerable development already permitted locally. Hemsby is a primary village, but considerable growth in housing is allocated in emergent policy underpinned by approvals now extant on other larger sites. The proposal is considered that the proposal is contrary to adopted policy CS2 - Achieving sustainable growth, where a smaller portion of development is cited as being located within the district's villages and adopted Policy CS3 - Addressing the borough's housing need where proposals should be of a size and type that provide for established needs, where the number of dwellings proposed would be expected to be of a larger type and also contrary to retained 2001 policy HOU10 where the proposal does not meet the criteria set out.
2.This site is partially within an area of Grade 1 Agricultural land (the most productive) The proposal is considered contrary therefore to policies CS6 and CS12 where development is directed away from the best agricultural land
3.No legal agreement to secure the delivery of affordable housing has been provided with this proposal and no information submitted to demonstrate this unviable or otherwise undeliverable. This is contrary to adopted policy CS4 - Delivering affordable housing where this policy sites over one hectare in area to 20% of housing on this site be provided as affordable. On this site twenty dwellings would require four dwellings to be provided on an affordable basis or justification submitted to reduce the requirement.