Great Yarmouth Borough Council Portal
No.Condition Text
1.Policy EMP18 of the Borough Wide Local Plan ensures that businesses are compatible with their surroundings and does not adversely affect the amenities of the neighbouring properties. This proposal is for a new dog kennel business within the curtilage of an existing dwelling. The area is predominantly residential in nature with residential properties directly adjacent. This use is not considered to be compatible with its surroundings in terms of noise and disturbance particularly as the use will operate across a full day and through the night when background noise levels are lower. In accordance with policy CS1 of the Core Strategy the potential adverse effects upon the neighbouring properties outweigh the benefits of a new service. Consequently, the Borough Council, as Local Planning Authority, considers that the proposal is contrary to Policy EMP18 of the adopted Borough-Wide Local Plan and Policy CS1 of the Core Strategy.
2.STATEMENT OF POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT: In dealing with this application Great Yarmouth Borough Council has actively sought to work with the applicant in a positive and proactive manner, in accordance with paragraphs 186 and 187 of the NPPF.